guess what I'm going to write ? hhm, goose guys. I have a goose in my dorm, the male one ( bibibibi ) . my friend and I call him bibi.. actually we have a couple of goose here, unfortunately last two semester the female one was died, for lack of food... ( poor goose and we were so sorry ). so, the male who just alone until now prefer to catch us whenever he saw us. some of the story and actually funny story that my friend and I face every time we meet bibi is we must run as fast as we can, hahaha, if not, he will bite ( nyosor ) us. haha :D. usually the goose catch us whenever we want to hang up our clothes behind the dorm, wow !! sometimes we often scream while running from the goose.
bibi, even though you are naughty but honestly I like you, because I have a friend that make me want to run and scream... wkwkwkw ( a little bit lebay )
moreover, you are the security in our dorm, you almost always scream whenever you feel something bad happen or someone come to our castle at the night ... :P
bibi bibi bibi :)
Minggu, 13 Mei 2012
time to time
time to time we must realize that life is beautiful and useful if we live with good way and with blessed by Allah. even though day by day we face something that we don't want it happen but we must face it with patient and try to find the good solution to face that problem. try the best to solve it and just pray to Allah from your deep heart and really hope that Allah will make your pray become reality. ( I took this knowledge from Al-quran , Al-A'raf but I forgot the number of the ayat ).
Kamis, 26 April 2012
hi guys. for all who like to hunting food or "wisata kuliner" let's come to my dorm, because some of my sister is make and sale pancakes and the taste is delicious. the cost is not expansive. :D. if you can't you can read about pancake that I will write below and try to make by your self ... :))
Pancakes are a type of flat sweet bread enjoyed by cultures around the world. Pancake recipes vary but all have the same basic ingredients of flour, eggs and milk. Some countries, like the United States and Canada, serve pancakes for breakfast while others, such as the European regions, serve pancakes as desserts or even side dishes. They are eaten plain, with butter, sprinkled with powdered sugar or filled with pastry, fruit or cheese. Whatever the tradition, pancakes are a truly universal and enjoyable treat.
On Fat Tuesday (aka Shrove Tuesday) pancakes are eaten because they primarily contain sugar, fat, and flour which are restricted during the fasting of Lent.
ingredients :
The following ingredients will make about 8 10-inch pancakes (more or fewer, depending on the size). You may change the amounts of ingredients according to the amount of which you wish to serve.
- 2 cups (9oz/255g) self-raising or all-purpose flour (See tips below)
- 2 eggs
- 1 1/2 cups (350ml) of milk
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 tablespoons butter/Vegetable oil
- 3 tablespoons sugar (optional)
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
good luck :)
Rabu, 25 April 2012
flat tire
thursday.. I woke up earlier today, at 4.30. I finished my structure assignment then did Subuh pray.
after that, I borough my friend's pump because my bicycle got flat tire :(. after that, I prepared to went to the campus. unfortunately, it got flat tire again and I pumped it again. My friend suggested me to not ride that bicycle. I didn't do what she was suggested to me because I thought that I'm late. so, I went to the campus by riding my bicycle. huft, fortunately, my lecturer had not come yet, but my bicycle got flat tire again.
after that, I borough my friend's pump because my bicycle got flat tire :(. after that, I prepared to went to the campus. unfortunately, it got flat tire again and I pumped it again. My friend suggested me to not ride that bicycle. I didn't do what she was suggested to me because I thought that I'm late. so, I went to the campus by riding my bicycle. huft, fortunately, my lecturer had not come yet, but my bicycle got flat tire again.
Senin, 09 April 2012
What is Williams syndrome?
Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects a child's growth, physical appearance, and cognitive development. People who have Williams syndrome are missing genetic material from chromosome 7, including the gene elastin. This gene's protein product gives blood vessels the stretchiness and strength required to withstand a lifetime of use. The elastin protein is made only during embryonic development and childhood, when blood vessels are formed. Because they lack the elastin protein, people with Williams Syndrome have disorders of the circulatory system and heart defects.How do people get Williams syndrome?
A deletion is caused by a break in the DNA molecule that makes up a chromosome. In most cases, the chromosome break occurs while the sperm or egg cell (the male or female gamete) is developing. When this gamete is fertilized, the child will develop Williams syndrome. The parent, however, does not have the break in any other cells of the body and does not have the syndrome. In fact, the break is usually such a rare event that it is very unlikely to happen again if the parent has another child.It is possible for a child to inherit a broken chromosome from a parent who also had the disorder. But this is rare because most people with Williams syndrome do not have children.
What are the symptoms of Williams syndrome?
The most common symptoms of Williams syndrome are mental retardation, heart defects, and unusual facial features (small upturned nose, wide mouth, full lips, small chin, widely spaced teeth).Other symptoms include: low birth weight, failure to gain weight appropriately, kidney abnormalities, and low muscle tone.
People with this syndrome also exhibit characteristic behaviors, such as hypersensitivity to loud noises and an overly outgoing personality.
How do doctors diagnose Williams syndrome?
Doctors can identify the syndrome by its distinctive physical characteristics. They can confirm the diagnosis by using a special technique called FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization).The chromosomal deletion that causes Williams Syndrome is so small that it cannot be seen in a karyotype. The deletion can be observed, however, with FISH. This technique allows DNA sequences to be labeled with a fluorescent chemical (called a probe) that lights up when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The Williams Syndrome deletion can be detected by labeling the elastin gene with a fluorescent probe. The gene will light up under a UV light only if it is present; a lack of signal indicates a deletion.
How is Williams syndrome treated?
There is no cure for Williams syndrome. Patients must be continually monitored and treated for symptoms throughout their lives.Interesting facts about Williams syndrome
One out of every 10,000 babies is born with Williams syndrome.Williams syndrome is considered a microdeletion syndrome because the deletion is too small to be observed microscopically (less than 5 million bases of DNA are deleted).
When deletions occur during the formation of the egg and sperm, it is caused by unequal recombination during meiosis. Recombination normally occurs between pairs of chromosomes during meiosis while they are lined up at the metaphase plate. If the pairs of chromosomes don't line up correctly, or if the chromosome breaks aren't repaired properly, the structure of the chromosome can be altered. Unequal recombination occurs more often than usual at this location on chromosome 7, causing Williams syndrome. This is likely due to some highly repetitive DNA sequence that flanks the commonly deleted region.
bicycles ^^
A Quick History of Bicycles
The Walking Machine
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The Velocipede or Boneshaker
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The High Wheel Bicycle
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Because the rider sat so high above the center of gravity, if the front wheel was stopped by a stone or rut in the road, or the sudden emergence of a dog, the entire apparatus rotated forward on its front axle, and the rider, with his legs trapped under the handlebars, was dropped unceremoniously on his head. Thus the term "taking a header" came into being. |
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The High Wheel Tricycle
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The High Wheel Safety
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The Hard-Tired Safety
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The Pnuematic-Tired Safety
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The Kid's Bike
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
affected and thanks for all demonstrator
on thursday, there were a demonstration in DPR office Padang. the demonstrator came from some universities in Padang such as : UNP, UNAND, UPI, UBH and some from the people who against the policy of the government's to rise the cost of BBM. I saw the demonstrator was very ambitious to make the government cancel their planning to rise the cot of BBM.
Not only in Padang, but also in some cities in Indonesia there were many demonstration to cancel the government's plan to rise the cost of BBM
I was so sad and concerned when saw their ambition and their willingness in that demonstration. they did it to make the citizens of Indonesia who are still lets we say in "low economic condition" can buy the BBM in the price that proper with their income.
Alhamdulillah, I heard from the news this morning, the government's plan to rice the cost of BBM postponed until 6 months later.Hopefully this news become reality.
thanks for all demonstrator
Not only in Padang, but also in some cities in Indonesia there were many demonstration to cancel the government's plan to rise the cost of BBM
I was so sad and concerned when saw their ambition and their willingness in that demonstration. they did it to make the citizens of Indonesia who are still lets we say in "low economic condition" can buy the BBM in the price that proper with their income.
Alhamdulillah, I heard from the news this morning, the government's plan to rice the cost of BBM postponed until 6 months later.Hopefully this news become reality.
thanks for all demonstrator
Rabu, 28 Maret 2012
the eyes
here I will share about the event in my dorm 2 nights ago actually on thursday night..
I went to the bed at 11 o'clock. Around 1 O'clock one of my sister knocked my room loudly to make me woke up. I was so surprised for she said that her roommate was unconscious. Spontaneously I woke up and saw her.
her name is Memey. she was unconscious for about 2 hours. in the 2 hours she was always called my name and Vika. She said to me that " dya closed all the doors, the eyes, make me shock, I'm afraid. Hurry, close the door dya ". I and all of my friends were afraid because she always said like that for manytimes, but she didn't open her eyes. Then, my sister and I read the Alquran, and the rest of us tried to hold her hands and asked her to said istighfar and Tahlil.
Around 3 o'clock alhamdulillah she was aware eventhough, it was hard for to open her eyes. she told to us why did make her become unconscious.
the story is : when she wanted to took a wudhu' around 12, but, on her way to the WC she looked to the entrance door, at that time, she looked the eyes. It was very screaming and surprising her. She decided to back to her room. she was very afraid, but when she wanted to sleep she didn't know what happened later...
that was the story..
hmm, actually, I'm afraid worry when remember this story..
I went to the bed at 11 o'clock. Around 1 O'clock one of my sister knocked my room loudly to make me woke up. I was so surprised for she said that her roommate was unconscious. Spontaneously I woke up and saw her.
her name is Memey. she was unconscious for about 2 hours. in the 2 hours she was always called my name and Vika. She said to me that " dya closed all the doors, the eyes, make me shock, I'm afraid. Hurry, close the door dya ". I and all of my friends were afraid because she always said like that for manytimes, but she didn't open her eyes. Then, my sister and I read the Alquran, and the rest of us tried to hold her hands and asked her to said istighfar and Tahlil.
Around 3 o'clock alhamdulillah she was aware eventhough, it was hard for to open her eyes. she told to us why did make her become unconscious.
the story is : when she wanted to took a wudhu' around 12, but, on her way to the WC she looked to the entrance door, at that time, she looked the eyes. It was very screaming and surprising her. She decided to back to her room. she was very afraid, but when she wanted to sleep she didn't know what happened later...
that was the story..
hmm, actually, I'm afraid worry when remember this story..
my first holiday, on friday in my hometown :))
it has been for about 5 days I didn't fill my blog. Now, I'm going to share about my holiday on friday in my hometown.
I went back to my hometown on friday, actually I could went back to my hometown on thursday, but I thought that I had to clean up my room and do some assignments. In fact, I just cleaned up my room and listed all my assignment and none of my assignment that I did.
On the thursday evening, my uncle sent me a message that he said that he wanted to go to Payakumbuh on friday and he invited me to went to Bukittinggi with him.
I was so happy because I didn't spend about Rp.23000 of my money as for the budget of the bus which the destiny is bukittinggi. :D
I arrived in my home around 10 AM. My family was so happy to saw me again, but they were confused and asked about my face that has many acnes. I just said " I have many assignment , many activities which make me stress (Haaha) and I often stayed up late mom." Then, my mother just laughed and smiled at me.
when I arrived, my mom and my grandmother were harvesting the corn.then, my grandmother boiled some of it. I ate about 3-4 , they were so delicious, yummy.
in addition, there were a traditional market in my village on friday, there were many kinds of traditional food. I and my sister bought sate and katupek. how delicious they are, you can imagine it... :))
I almost always do those activities if I go back to my hometown. you know that a student who lived independently far from their parents are rare to eat delicious and many kinds of food because we must manage our money as good as possible... hahaha .:D
that's all for now... :))
thank you
I went back to my hometown on friday, actually I could went back to my hometown on thursday, but I thought that I had to clean up my room and do some assignments. In fact, I just cleaned up my room and listed all my assignment and none of my assignment that I did.
On the thursday evening, my uncle sent me a message that he said that he wanted to go to Payakumbuh on friday and he invited me to went to Bukittinggi with him.
I was so happy because I didn't spend about Rp.23000 of my money as for the budget of the bus which the destiny is bukittinggi. :D
I arrived in my home around 10 AM. My family was so happy to saw me again, but they were confused and asked about my face that has many acnes. I just said " I have many assignment , many activities which make me stress (Haaha) and I often stayed up late mom." Then, my mother just laughed and smiled at me.
when I arrived, my mom and my grandmother were harvesting the corn.then, my grandmother boiled some of it. I ate about 3-4 , they were so delicious, yummy.
in addition, there were a traditional market in my village on friday, there were many kinds of traditional food. I and my sister bought sate and katupek. how delicious they are, you can imagine it... :))
I almost always do those activities if I go back to my hometown. you know that a student who lived independently far from their parents are rare to eat delicious and many kinds of food because we must manage our money as good as possible... hahaha .:D
that's all for now... :))
thank you
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
have to be succed
I just typed it after read the material that I'm going to speech tomorrow.
In my mind, I just want to move forward. I don't want to be like this anymore, I must improve my ability in English, repair my attitude and try to decrease my bad habit.
for all who read this, I hope you can help and remind me with I've written in this time.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday...
good luck for me and for you .... :D
I just typed it after read the material that I'm going to speech tomorrow.
In my mind, I just want to move forward. I don't want to be like this anymore, I must improve my ability in English, repair my attitude and try to decrease my bad habit.
for all who read this, I hope you can help and remind me with I've written in this time.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday...
good luck for me and for you .... :D
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
we are friend
hi sister, I was sad because of last two night events. Actually I really want to be your close friend, but I don't know why you have changed your self dramatically. You are not the girl when the first time we met.
I know that now you have a friend that you think more understand you than I. I accept it, but I hope we still friend like when the first time we made a friend, I don't want to broke our friendship.
I just want to tell you that the prerequisite to have a good relationship with other people is good communication, so we talks and shares a lot. I hope we can introspect ourselves and try to decrease the bad factors that make our relationship is bad.
We are friends... :))
I know that now you have a friend that you think more understand you than I. I accept it, but I hope we still friend like when the first time we made a friend, I don't want to broke our friendship.
I just want to tell you that the prerequisite to have a good relationship with other people is good communication, so we talks and shares a lot. I hope we can introspect ourselves and try to decrease the bad factors that make our relationship is bad.
We are friends... :))
Minggu, 18 Maret 2012
horrible but strange on monday night
and Sisma had a planned to do our CALL assignment last night. unfortunately, we
couldn't finished all. around 00.30 I turned off the lamp and laid on my bed. I
was so sleep. about ten minutes after that, my phone rang signed that someone
is calling me. I saw my phone and saw that my friend "Meri" who is
one of my friend in my dorm was calling me. She spoke slowly to me and said
" Dya, someone is standing in front of
my room ". I was so surprised and worried. Then, I told to Sisma
about it. Both of us was worried and
minutes later, our lovely goose screamed but not so loud, usually it is sighed
that someone is coming to our dorm. It was very strange and mad, for the man
was hit the plate of our goose loudly like playing them not like the man who
want to steal. Quickly, I sent a message to the FMIPA's security for asking
their help. It made me relief , because the security said that his friends will
come here. I just tried to calm down by Zikir and prayed to Allah SWT.
could make my self calm down and not so fright anymore, but Sisma couldn't. I
continued to sleep again. I just thought that the man was a crazy man, because
what he did like a man who is getting attention and not seems like a thief.
nevertheless, Sisma heard someone walked beside my room, it was around 1.30.
She said that she couldn't sleep well and very worried and afraid.
my opinion, this event were very strange but terrifying me...
morphology mid term test
on friday, my class, K1,NK1 and NK2 had a Morphology mid term test. Actually, my class would held this mid term on tuesday, but it was canceled and was hold on friday. the questions were surprising me, because they were difficult and out of my knowledge. huua..
i hope the result will good .. :D amiin
how about you guys...?
that's all for now...
thank you ..... :))
i hope the result will good .. :D amiin
how about you guys...?
that's all for now...
thank you ..... :))
Selasa, 13 Maret 2012
nice tuesday :))
I woke up earlier this morning, for I hadn't studied a lot about MorSyn last evening. I woke up at 4.30 .
Actually, I had to have Morphology mid-term test this morning, but my lecturer said that the examination is postponed until Friday. so that, we continued study about Syntax. This new topic talks about the sentence structure.
In my opinion, this first meeting about Syntax is not as hard as morpheme :), but I don't know about the next topic, hopefully the next topic will more interesting and not difficult or easy to be understood.
After MorSyn class my friends and I entered the IntrotoLit class.In IntrotoLit class we were studying about Poetry. Poetry is one of the branches of literature that written by using figurative language and followed by rhythm and the content can be happiness or sadness.
Our lecturer Mr. hafizh tought us by using his own style that make us interested in studying with him. He explained At the end of the class, he asked us write a lyric and pointed some of us to read our lyric. All of us almost always laugh when heard the lyric from some of our friends :D . Because of their figurative language.
The last nice story from this evening is I got experience how to have a good meeting in an organization. I got this experience when I followed a meeting in one of the organization that I am following this semester. :)) The main point that I got to have a good meeting in an organization are : listen to the people who is giving their opinion ( be a good listener ) respect the other people opinion and build a good communication and relationship with the people in your organization :))
that's all from this evening :))
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today, aminnn :D
Actually, I had to have Morphology mid-term test this morning, but my lecturer said that the examination is postponed until Friday. so that, we continued study about Syntax. This new topic talks about the sentence structure.
In my opinion, this first meeting about Syntax is not as hard as morpheme :), but I don't know about the next topic, hopefully the next topic will more interesting and not difficult or easy to be understood.
After MorSyn class my friends and I entered the IntrotoLit class.In IntrotoLit class we were studying about Poetry. Poetry is one of the branches of literature that written by using figurative language and followed by rhythm and the content can be happiness or sadness.
Our lecturer Mr. hafizh tought us by using his own style that make us interested in studying with him. He explained At the end of the class, he asked us write a lyric and pointed some of us to read our lyric. All of us almost always laugh when heard the lyric from some of our friends :D . Because of their figurative language.
The last nice story from this evening is I got experience how to have a good meeting in an organization. I got this experience when I followed a meeting in one of the organization that I am following this semester. :)) The main point that I got to have a good meeting in an organization are : listen to the people who is giving their opinion ( be a good listener ) respect the other people opinion and build a good communication and relationship with the people in your organization :))
that's all from this evening :))
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today, aminnn :D
Senin, 12 Maret 2012
aware and wake up
these two words is the proper words for me this evening. My close friend "Afni" wake me up and make me aware that I must study a lot. I just slept before because I really sleepy and the "syaetan" asked me to go to sleep ( weak of faith). I told to Afni this afternoon that I will have Morsyn mid term test tomorrow. so, when I didn't study and prefer to sleep she said to me " You should study first, don't go to sleep! you will regret if you can't answer your mid term test tomorrow because you prefer to go to sleep than study this night. prepare your self for your mid therm test tomorrow".
her statements wake me up and give me an idea to fill my blog. :))
Minggu, 11 Maret 2012
sahur with vika viki
alhamdulillahi ahyana ba'da ma amatina wailaihinnusyur .. :D
this morning I wake up earlier at 3.30 for get a sahur. I'm going to fasting today. before I filled this blog, I couldn't open my blogger account :( , I was worry and afraid if I can't access this blog anymore. Fortunately, it can be opened again, huaaa..... :D
Today, I'm going to study writing 3 with Mr. Saunir and Advance Listening with Miss.Ayu. Hopefully my study go smoothly today and I get many knowledge.. amiinn..
Hmm, azan subuh is coming, that's all for this morning and let's pray.. :)) Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012
weekend :D
I went to bed earlier last night, because I had a planned to
wake up at 3.AM to do CALL mid group project. nevertheless I woke up at half
pass five... huaam.. this morning is my turn picket, so I prayed shubuh and
totally did my duty until 7. After that, Sisma and I started to do our group
assignment. At 8.30 we went to the campus because I had a meeting with HIMA committee at nine and Sisma will follow the interview for the scholarship
requirement. The meeting finished at 12 and then I went back home and did
Before doing my laundry my mom phoned me, and she suggested me
to visit my uncle. So that, I decided to go to my uncle house after Ashar. I
planned to go there by riding my friend's bicycle. Around 5 PM I went outside
from my dorm by riding the bicycle happily. I wish my uncle and his family were
in his house. unfortunately, no one were in the house. So, went back to my dorm
by riding the bicycle slowly and enjoyed riding the bicycle in the beautiful
afternoon. Hufft.. I just positive thinking and thought that I had an exercise
this afternoon by riding the bicycle, and helped burning my fat... hua ha...
Selasa, 06 Maret 2012
again, still about my dorm
while waiting for Magrib pray, I'm going to share about the event that had happened last evening in my dorm. it was exactly when my sisters and I had a kultum around 7 PM. we just listened about responsible between Moslem from the ustazah ( actually the ustazah still one of our friends here, but we call her as ustazah when she gave us kultum ) seriously, but in the midlle of her speech some of us included me heard someone walked beside our dorm while brought something like sheath of palm and dragged it. A few minutes after that we heard like step of the human food walked on the roof. the step was very different with animals let we say cat. Some of ust were very afraid and worry, spontaniously I phoned the FMPA's security and reported what had happened here.
About 10 minutes after that, 3 securities came and asked us about what had happened. And then we also reported everything that had made us worry and afraid to live here. they accepted all our problem and checked some of the rooms condition where the ceiling is broken. When they wanted to leave the dorm, one of the security said to us that the security will be controlled this dorm every night. Yet, a night after that I woke up at half past twelve night and heard voices of two men. I thought that the voice was from the men who was snooping our dorm. I was so surprised and tried to calm down. One of my friend just asked me to not be afraid and may be that voice were the security's voice. hmmm...
while waiting for Magrib pray, I'm going to share about the event that had happened last evening in my dorm. it was exactly when my sisters and I had a kultum around 7 PM. we just listened about responsible between Moslem from the ustazah ( actually the ustazah still one of our friends here, but we call her as ustazah when she gave us kultum ) seriously, but in the midlle of her speech some of us included me heard someone walked beside our dorm while brought something like sheath of palm and dragged it. A few minutes after that we heard like step of the human food walked on the roof. the step was very different with animals let we say cat. Some of ust were very afraid and worry, spontaniously I phoned the FMPA's security and reported what had happened here.
About 10 minutes after that, 3 securities came and asked us about what had happened. And then we also reported everything that had made us worry and afraid to live here. they accepted all our problem and checked some of the rooms condition where the ceiling is broken. When they wanted to leave the dorm, one of the security said to us that the security will be controlled this dorm every night. Yet, a night after that I woke up at half past twelve night and heard voices of two men. I thought that the voice was from the men who was snooping our dorm. I was so surprised and tried to calm down. One of my friend just asked me to not be afraid and may be that voice were the security's voice. hmmm...
Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012
thinking about what I want to share in my blog (?) hmm, I'm going to share about my dormitory condition now. dangerous is the best word for Girls Dormitory of UNP now. Why do I say like that? here are the reasons : since the beginning of this semester many bad events had happened here. the first one is about the thief that had come here and had stolen two laptops, two phones and some cash money.In addition, almost every night some of us hear the steps of the men walk near our bedroom ( frightening and worrying ).
all of us ( the students who living here ) feel worry and fright to stay here. there is no more the safety here. we try to get the attention from our mom here but her reason was disappointed; moreover, there is no security to keep this dormitory safe from the disturbances. huu :(..
unfortunately, some of my friends had moved to their new rent house because of some problems. it caused the population of its become fewer. I also had a planned to move, but I cancelled because I think my sisters still need me here and also there are many good facilities which is kind if I don't use it ( e.g, wifi, television, free bed and the price is cheap ,, haha ). I just try to stand here until the proper time to move come ;D
Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
pity and worry
pity and worry are two words that I feel about my sister "Voni" feels now. she is one of my sister in my dorm who is getting calamity. she had to buy a laptop for repair the laptop of Pricillia. Voni borrowed Pricillia laptop about three weeks ago for searching her task in the internet. She saved Prcillia's laptop in her cupboard in the evening after she used it. In the morning Voni just locked her cupboard by using her padlock and went to the campus at 7 AM. unfortunately, her cupboard was damaged by the thief which had stolen Pricillia's laptop. As a result, she had to buy a laptop for repairing Pricillia's laptop. However, her family can't repair it in a short time, because the economic problems. moreover, she becomes depression and seriousness in her study.
She is getting sick now. I worry if she becoming down and down she might do something that can damage her self .she has done many ways in finding who is the thief of Pricillia's laptop. She said that if she knows who is the thief, she will not report it to the police office but she just want to know where is the laptop now.
I believe that she is examining by God now, for she is a good girl. I just think that behind a trouble there will be a facility ^_^. just be patient and tawakkal sist.... :)
She is getting sick now. I worry if she becoming down and down she might do something that can damage her self .she has done many ways in finding who is the thief of Pricillia's laptop. She said that if she knows who is the thief, she will not report it to the police office but she just want to know where is the laptop now.
I believe that she is examining by God now, for she is a good girl. I just think that behind a trouble there will be a facility ^_^. just be patient and tawakkal sist.... :)
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
today is monday. the day where the busy activity start from this day. I have two lectures for today, they are writing 3 and advance listening. I hope today is gonna be a good day for me. My lecturer of writing class is Mr. Saunir. not only gives explanation and material about this subject but also he gives many good advices and suggestions for me and the entire class. all his speech is very meaningful and educated. I have ever I want to speak as good as and as meaningful as him. :D... he was also my mom's lecture when my mom was in college. My mom's opinion is as same as my opinion. After waiting for few minutes, I phoned Mr. Saunir and he said to me that " My body is not good, so there will be no class for today ". I came into the class and I announced to all of my friends. In my opinion many of us are happy if the lecturer didn't come ( hahaha ).
because there is no writing class , I went to HIMA's office. I decided to go to the mosque and took a rest while having a lunch. After that I went to BB4, sit there while waiting the advance listening class started.
We had some TOEFL exercises. Actually I got a headache after I went from the mosque. so that I can't concentrate in answering the TOEF L exercises. As the result my mark was not good. : (. But I thought that I must try as hard as you can. Howevere, there were an improvement in the last section of the exercises, the point here is you must try as hard as you can and believe that you can do it :)). Moreover, the succed is not come instantly, you will face many failures or even worse than it to reach your goal. and also " man jadda wa jadda " .
: ))
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
cry as much as you want ( unrelated with th text)
Alhamdulillah I still can breathing this morning. Yesterday I faced bad experience in my home. actually there would not be a conflict between me and my mother, but my mother who is the care , love and worried with all of her children felt that I didn't respect her. I just think that the bad communication and may be negative thinking that made this event. I made a food for I bring to padang. In my mind, I have done cook the food for me and for my brother. after that I asked mom which one for me and which one for my brother, but my mother didn't understand what I mean. In her mind she thought that I don't want to cooking the food for my brother because the food that I had cooked just a little and it seems I just cooked for myself. She was so dissappointed and cried. I never thought like what she thought. I told to her that I remember my brother, and I will share this food with him. but she was not accept my reason and she still cried and I also cried.
I couldn't stop crying at that time. I spent about a quarter just for crying. I just pray to God and remember God. It could make me feel relax, but I couldn't stop thinking about this event. until I went back here ( Padang), I still thinking about it. Only me and my mother knew this event. when my grandmother asked me why I cried I just say " nothing ". from this event I got the lesson that good communication is the pole in good relationship.
here I try to do my best, just for you Mom and dad ( I am crying while typing it). I Love you so much.. I will do everything to make you happy and understand what I feel.
I couldn't stop crying at that time. I spent about a quarter just for crying. I just pray to God and remember God. It could make me feel relax, but I couldn't stop thinking about this event. until I went back here ( Padang), I still thinking about it. Only me and my mother knew this event. when my grandmother asked me why I cried I just say " nothing ". from this event I got the lesson that good communication is the pole in good relationship.
here I try to do my best, just for you Mom and dad ( I am crying while typing it). I Love you so much.. I will do everything to make you happy and understand what I feel.
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012
last story from last week
E.S.A is one of the organization that I follow now. This is good for find new friend, learn how to be a person that can socialize with other and try to speak up. Last Monday exactly February 19 we went to Gunung Pangilun. there we had games and motivation from the instructor which talked about all aspects in an organization and how to build a good organization.
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Last Sunday was the first time for me to follow outbound. This was the second event of E.S.A 2012. It was a good training for the E.S.A member to build a good organization and good relationship between each of the E.S.A members. Actually my mom worried when I asked for her permission. Before I went to the campus, I phoned her first. she was afraid and worried if I couldn't keep my self because my body was not good at that time, I was caught and rainy nose :). She cried because she felt sad when she knew that I wasn't in god condition here and I just tried to make her sure :(.
I can imagine how care, love and worry my mother with her children. not only my mother, my father is the good father for me, he works until night for me and for our family. Both my parents are the very important people in my life.
back to thursday
Today I woke up earlier than the usual, but I slept again until 6. Unfortunately there were no clothes that I had ironed and It made me ironing it first. I went to the campus around 7 . While i was on my way to the campus by walking I got a message from Ms. Yuli that she would coming late, Huuft.. I could walk slowly ... I was so worried at that time because I'm afraid for coming late into the class..
around 11 we start the second lecture , it is Public Speaking class. Zakiya and Husna are the speaker for today, both of them speak clearly and well. this class is end earlier today. Mr. Don said that the key for speaking or speak in public is you have to have many knowledge, because you can speak fluently and attractively in public from what you have known and how many information or knowledge that you have had.
thats all for today,.. thank you..^_^
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
thursday , the second week of february 2012
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
good afternoon ^_^...
no is 16.39, My friends, my lecturer and I still study in LabCALL of ED... unfortunately we haven't prayed yet..
but I hope Allah SWT apologizing us. amiiin..
that's all for now...
hopefuly tomorrow will be better than today..
bye bye.... :))
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
good afternoon ^_^...
no is 16.39, My friends, my lecturer and I still study in LabCALL of ED... unfortunately we haven't prayed yet..
but I hope Allah SWT apologizing us. amiiin..
that's all for now...
hopefuly tomorrow will be better than today..
bye bye.... :))
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