Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

the eyes

here I will share about the event in my dorm 2 nights ago actually on thursday night..
I went to the bed at 11 o'clock. Around 1 O'clock one of my sister knocked my room loudly to make me woke up. I was so surprised for she said that her roommate was unconscious. Spontaneously I  woke up and saw her.
her name is Memey. she was unconscious for about 2 hours. in the 2 hours she was always called my name and Vika. She said to me that " dya closed all the doors, the eyes, make me shock, I'm afraid. Hurry, close the door dya ". I and all of my friends were afraid because she always said like that for manytimes, but she didn't open her eyes. Then, my sister and I read the Alquran, and the rest of us tried to hold her hands and asked her to said istighfar and Tahlil.
 Around 3 o'clock alhamdulillah she was aware eventhough, it was hard for  to open her eyes. she told to us why did make her become unconscious.
the story is : when she wanted to took a wudhu' around 12, but, on her way to the WC she looked to the entrance door, at that time, she looked the eyes. It was very screaming  and surprising her. She decided to back to her room. she was very afraid, but when she wanted to sleep she didn't know what happened later...
that was the story..
hmm, actually, I'm afraid worry when remember this story..

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