Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

nice tuesday :))

I woke up earlier this morning, for I hadn't studied a lot about MorSyn last evening. I woke up at 4.30 .
Actually, I had to have Morphology mid-term  test this morning, but my lecturer said that the examination is postponed until Friday. so that, we continued study about Syntax. This new topic talks about the sentence structure.
In my opinion, this first meeting about Syntax is not as hard as morpheme :), but I don't know about the next topic, hopefully the next topic will more interesting and not difficult or easy to be understood.
After MorSyn class my friends and I entered the IntrotoLit class.In  IntrotoLit class we were studying about Poetry. Poetry is one of the branches of literature that written by using figurative language and followed by rhythm and the content can be  happiness or  sadness.
Our lecturer Mr. hafizh tought us by using his own style that make us interested in studying with him. He explained At the end of the class, he asked us write a lyric and pointed some of us to read our lyric. All of us almost always laugh when heard the lyric from some of our friends :D . Because of their  figurative language.
The last nice story from this evening is I got experience how  to have a good meeting in an organization. I got this experience when I followed a meeting in one of the organization that I am following this semester. :)) The main point that I got to have a good meeting in an organization are : listen to the people who is giving their opinion ( be a good listener ) respect the other people opinion and build a good communication and relationship with the people in your organization :))
that's all from this evening :))
 Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today, aminnn :D

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