Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

weekend :D

I went to bed earlier last night, because I had a planned to wake up at 3.AM to do CALL mid group project. nevertheless I woke up at half pass five... huaam.. this morning is my turn picket, so I prayed shubuh and totally did my duty until 7. After that, Sisma and I started to do our group assignment. At 8.30 we went to the campus because I had a meeting with HIMA committee at nine and Sisma will follow the interview for the scholarship requirement. The meeting finished at 12 and then I went back home and did laundry.

Before doing my laundry my mom phoned me, and she suggested me to visit my uncle. So that, I decided to go to my uncle house after Ashar. I planned to go there by riding my friend's bicycle. Around 5 PM I went outside from my dorm by riding the bicycle happily. I wish my uncle and his family were in his house. unfortunately, no one were in the house. So, went back to my dorm by riding the bicycle slowly and enjoyed riding the bicycle in the beautiful afternoon. Hufft.. I just positive thinking and thought that I had an exercise this afternoon by riding the bicycle, and helped burning my fat... hua ha...

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